


Opportunities for Spending Utility Conservation Funds

所有学校都获得了公用事业保护基金. This may have come from the Shared Utility Savings Program, 环保团队资助, 自然保育冠军奖, 或者三者都有. This money can increase resource savings and enhance learning experiences.

请在收到款项后一年内使用. Budgets have shrunk, but you can show program support by beneficial use of awarded funds.

在购买之前, please check with your school secretary or fiscal clerk for spending guidelines. Utility Conservation funding can be found in supply reserve line 5990, 资金-1000, 基金中心__X7927425.

Here are spending suggestions from your 资源保护专家:

  • 紧凑型红外温度计与激光瞄准$44.99. 用于测量温度.
  • 绝缘午餐袋,1美元.99. Use to pack lunches that do not require additional refrigeration.
  • 带远程显示的航运比例尺,37美元.04每个. 用于称重废物/堆肥/回收
  • Kill-a-Watt EZ Meter, assess the efficiency of your appliances. $28.97. Use to measure energy use of individual items throughout the school to help calculate energy use and savings potential.
  • 数字式亮度计, $77.38每个. Use to measure light levels and ensure that they are not too high or low based on Department of Health guidelines.


Work with your Custodial Engineer and Principal to identify gaps in door and window seals. If you can see outside through the seal then it’s a great candidate for weather stripping. Submit a work order to District Maintenance to estimate the cost to weather strip leaky doors and/or windows.

当成本回来的时候, determine whether you want to move forward with the project and accept or reject the estimate. If you accept, we recommend noting “not to exceed $____” (based on your available budget).


Make draft-dodger snakes to place on leaky windowsills. This fun project will save energy and increase comfort. 选择学校的颜色来提升学校的自豪感. 有很多 自制躲避蛇的例子 在线.


Build an energy audit tool bag to support your 华盛顿 Green 学校 Energy Efficiency Assessment. Some handy items are an infrared thermometer to check if room temperatures meet District standards, 用测光表检查过亮区域, and Kill A Watt meters to measure energy use of anything that plugs in. This is great real-world data that students can gather themselves and use in the classroom.


Purchase reusable silverware and trays for use in the cafeteria (if Nutrition Services staff agree). Purchase reusable silverware, 盘子, 碗, and mugs for use in the staff lounge. 购买可堆肥的银器, 盘子, 碗, and cups for parties and events from the District Warehouse through B2B Marketplace.


Purchase a milk dispenser and reusable cups, with approval from Nutrition Services kitchen staff. 需要考虑的是洗涤设施, 员工的时间, 存储, 杯子更换率, 对学校废物的影响, 等等.......


为员工和/或学生购买可重复使用的午餐袋. 有很多品种可供选择, from a simple canvas bag to an insulated ice-pack bag with school logos.


购买一个行李秤来称一下午餐室的垃圾. Encourage students to reduce the amount of food waste ending up in the compost. 启动共享表. Have a Waste-free Lunch 一天 encouraging students to eat their food.


If your school is still using old metal buckets or paper boxes to sort your recycling then it’s time to upgrade to the standard blue recycling containers. These reduce confusion for students and custodial staff and have been proven to increase recycling. New containers can be ordered through the District B2B Marketplace Warehouse Materials Catalog. Order container #631871 for classrooms and #639457 for offices. Put old metal recycle buckets into the recycling dumpster. 减少污染, keep the total number of containers to a minimum and always pair recycling with garbage. Visit our Compost and Recycling page for more information.


Buy and install a rain barrel or cistern for your school garden. Pre-approval through the District’s Self Help program is required. Rain barrel water is great for most plants but edible plants should still get potable water.


Perform a water audit such as the 华盛顿 Green 学校 Water Quality & 保护评估. If you find that hand-washing or kitchen sinks (in classrooms or staff rooms) use over 0.每分钟5加仑或者厕所使用量超过1加仑.6 gallons per flush then your school would be a good candidate for installing low-water use fixtures. Submit a work order to District Maintenance to estimate the cost to install aerators or new toilets. 当成本回来的时候, determine whether you want to move forward with the project and accept or reject the estimate. If you accept, we recommend noting “not to exceed $____” (based on your available budget).


Identify automatic or push-button water taps that are running for more than 10 seconds. If they exceed 10 seconds then submit a work order to District Maintenance to have them adjusted. 请估算一下调整固定装置的费用. 当成本回来的时候, determine whether you want to move forward with the project and accept or reject the estimate. If you accept, we recommend noting “not to exceed $___” (based on your available budget).


资助实地考察或奖学金 土地和水实地研究, a program of IslandWood that is designed in collaboration with 十大正规网赌软件, 西雅图公用事业公司, 以及西雅图公园和娱乐中心. It connects the District’s 5th grade Land and Water Science Unit to a real-life urban stream in schools’ communities.


资助实地考察或奖学金 雪松河鲑鱼之旅 在西雅图水族馆. The Aquarium has programs for pre-K through 12th grade.


资助实地考察或奖学金 太平洋科学中心. The Science Center has programs for pre-K through 12th grade. Financial assistance and school bus transportation assistance is available for 十大正规网赌软件.